Step 6: What comes after the Gender Equality Plan?
A gender equality plan (GEP) will be concluded at some point. However, this is not ‘the end’ of promoting gender equality in your organisation. It is important to understand that a GEP is also a quality assurance model in the organisational change process. This further development of the organisation in the direction of gender equality is never finished.
You are entering a new cycle now. Based on the findings from the evaluation of the GEP, it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the progress made towards achieving gender equality in the organisation. During the development and implementation of the GEP, the course should already have been set for a sustainable anchoring of gender equality work in your organisation. You should have assigned those responsible for gender equality work and anchored gender equality in the budget of your organisation by now. It is likely that the sustainability of some measures and procedures is already ensured, while others may still require further action.
Be aware that structural and cultural change is a long-term process that requires continuous and repetitive efforts and measures to avoid a throwback to former practices and behaviour. Some measures and activities will need to be implemented throughout several GEP cycles – of course you should consider improving these measures based on your monitoring and evaluation results.
In addition, the final evaluation may have identified new areas that require attention. Moreover, it may be necessary to respond to changes that have come about since the last GEP cycle outside (at the political level) and within the organisation. There may be other important issues on the agenda that can stimulate or hinder gender equality work. This is the point where you decide how to continue the efforts undertaken so far and what a new GEP should address.
- Take into consideration the lessons learnt from the previous experience(s).
- Revisit the results of the status quo assessment conducted in step 2. Which issues were identified but not addressed in the GEP because other issues were more important? Is it relevant to include them in the next GEP?
- Revisit the results of the monitoring and evaluation. What further need for action do they indicate? Does the evaluation cover all possible fields of action or should further data be collected?
- Benchmark what other organisations have done or are currently doing (and adapt their measures to your own context).
- Discuss with the management and the implementation team whether the framework conditions in your organisation have changed and whether there is a need for new action.
- Consult external stakeholders regarding policy changes and relevant issues that may need to be addressed.
- Continue to engage (new) stakeholders.
- Think about how to make your measures sustainable.
- Take the opportunity to make your work and the progress visible throughout your organisation.
You might also want to think about new topics in which to integrate gender equality in your organisation, and strategies to do so. At this point, we want to give you information about two strategies that have been implemented (so far mainly by organisations that have been working in the field of gender equality for a longer period of time): gender budgeting and intersectionality.
In order to view videos and webinars or further tools and resources on the topics discussed in step 6, switch between the respective tabs.
Click below to go back to the previous step. You can also download a short guide summarising the steps involved in setting up a GEP.
Sustainability of gender equality measures
- The video on academic culture produced by the EU-funded ACT project shows why it is important to work on gender equality on a long-term basis.
- The ‘Gender equality in information science and technology’ (EQUAL-IST) project video ‘Sustainability of gender equality plans and structural change measures in research organisations’ shows how important sustainability is for GEPs and provides recommendations on how to achieve it.
Gender budgeting
- To get a first impression about what gender budgeting is, watch the video from UN Women entitled ‘What is gender responsive budgeting’.
- The ACT video on intersectionality shows why and how intersectionality can be addressed in a GEP.
- The Gender Equality Academy webinar ‘Intersectionality in institutional change processes in academic organisations’ aims to introduce the concept of intersectionality, its origins and its relevance to institutional change, and to highlight key differences between intersectionality, multiple discrimination and diversity perspectives. Participants get the chance to learn about methodological challenges to the application of intersectional approaches to institutional change at universities.
Resources for gender budgeting
GenBUDGET, the community of practice established under the EU-funded ACT project, provides a directory of relevant practices in gender budgeting at research-performing organisations and research funding organisations.
The gender budgeting in academia toolkit, developed in 2016 by the EU-funded GARCIA project, is intended to be a guide for integrating gender into the financial processes and decision-making procedures of academic and scientific institutions.
The gender auditing and gender budgeting methodology report compiled by the EU-funded LeTSGEPs project in 2021 collects information on experiences with gender budgeting applications in research institutions, and on effective organisational practices to increase the participation and career advancement of women researchers, and to improve their working conditions.
Content for intersectionality
The LERU position paper on equality, diversity and inclusion at universities provides an overview of the benefits that an intersectional approach can have for universities. It is an introduction to the most recent and relevant research evidence issues in academia and an invitation for university leaders to fully equip themselves to recognise and address the particular challenges of intersectionality at research-intensive institutions. Moreover, it provides an overview of inspiring and practical examples of measures that can be taken.
The Advance HE report Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Research and Innovation: International review examines the international context (a concurrent review examines the UK context) and involves understanding the evidence base of equality, diversity and inclusion interventions and activities and identifying further areas of research.