Teresa Nevado Bueno is a member EWL’s Executive Committee since June 2021. She is a member of EWL’s Board since 2017, where she represents EWL’s National Coordination in Spain – el Lobby Europeo de Mujeres en España- LEM España - of which she is the General Secretary since 2016. Teresa is the President of the women´s association “Agrupacion de Madrid del Forum de Politica Feminista” and a member of “Association of Women of the Mediterranean” (AFEM). With a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences, she worked for over twenty years in engineering in private companies, as an engineer and a project director. She also worked as Equality Director in the Local Public Administration and for eight years, Teresa served as a member of Parliament in the Madrid Region, where she was the speaker for the Women Equality, Economy and Employment Committee. She has also been involved in Trade Unions in Spain, including as the National Women Responsible of the first Spanish Trade Union and the union delegate representing workers in a large company with over 25,000 employees.
Teresa is an expert in gender relations, violence against women, employment and economy, political measures, equality opportunities and human resources and she has participated in management of large international projects: Equal, Europaid, Twinning, etc. Her long trajectory as a feminist and her implication in these subjects has allowed her to be present in important negotiations with the Spanish government on several law projects, such as the Law on Equality.