Towards a stronger more inclusive economy
Achieving equality between women and men makes everyone better off.
We have come a long way, but there’s still more to do.
Throughout the year, EIGE provides data and guidance to help communities take #3StepsForward and shape an economy where gender equality, social fairness and prosperity go hand in hand.
#3StepsForward is how policymakers, business leaders and individuals can unite to build a fairer future.
Small, individual actions can combine for big results. If every one of us takes #3StepsForward for gender equality, together we can move mountains.
- Step 1 Understand the challenges
- Step 2 Identify the three steps you can take
- Step 3 Commit to action
Share your #3StepsForward
- Where do you see the biggest need for #3StepsForward?
- What are the steps that you are going to take?
- And who else are you calling on to take action?
Carlien Scheele
Director, European Institute for Gender Equality
Toni Morillas
Director of the Insituto de las Mujeres
Tomas Raskevičius
Chair of the Human Rights Committee, Lithuanian Parliament
Why it’s time to take #3StepsForward?
Europe and its citizens have played a crucial role in our journey towards equality between women and men. But we can’t take this progress for granted. Recent events have shown that in times of crisis, some groups suffer more than others. Our progress towards gender equality has slowed down. And in some cases, it has even gone backwards.
We are
60 yearsaway from achieving gender equality.
And the pandemic has slowed progress.
In 2021, for the first time in
17 yearsthe percentage of women not looking for a job increased.
Before Covid -19, this figure had been dropping for years.
We need to take action. Now.
Learn more
Three steps forward towards an equal sharing of unpaid care
How Spain and the EU can take steps forward for gender equality
The economic benefits of gender equality
Quotas fast forward gender balance in politics
More women leaders are needed in business and finance
Bringing gender equality into our homes
Pay transparency helps closing the gender pay gap
The future of work needs to be gender equal