Pronouns: She/her
Professor Kim Barker is Professor of Law at Lincoln Law School and an internationally renowned expert on issues concerning technology facilitated violence against women and girls (TFVAWG). Kim is a foundational expert voice establishing online violence (OVAW) and TFVAWG as an area of inquiry. Her work has shaped reports, debates, legal developments as well as law reform and legislative innovation across the UK, Europe, and South Asia. She has significant experience working with NGOs, policymakers, tech companies and Governmental bodies to on TFVAWG and OVAW. She has been appointed lead expert to the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on TFVAWG. She was one of the leading experts contributing to the development of the first recommendation on the digital dimension of violence against women by GREVIO and has provided expert input to work on digital and OVAW/TFVAWG across Council of Europe Member States.