Increasing gender equality brings long-term benefits for everyone. What three things can you do to help?

Everyone can play a part but below we illustrate some of the quick wins you might consider.

If you’re a business leader:

  1. Measure and publish the pay gap in your workplace - and act to reduce it.
  2. Ensure that men feel more comfortable asking for time off for childcare.
  3. Insist on gender equality in the boardroom and across your company.

If you’re an individual:

  1. Help your family and friends bring gender equality at home, work or at school.
  2. Encourage men to take a bigger carer role for their family members.
  3. Support women to follow careers in science technology or engineering.

And if you’re a policymaker:

  1. Think of the gender-impact for all the public policies in the making.
  2. Take steps to make your institution more inclusive.
  3. Make gender equality training available.

Of course, you might not be in any of these groups. Or you could be in all three. We’re calling on everyone to stop and think.

How can you improve gender equality? What #3StepsForward can you take, right now?