Amended by Management Board Decision No MB/2021/024 of 10 December 2021

During the programming period 2021-2023, the Institute will focus on measuring progress at EU and Member State levels through the Gender Equality Index reviewing the implementation of the EU’s international commitments as part of the Beijing Platform for Action and through research notes that focus on EU-specific challenges. Regularly updated gender statistics database will support EIGE’s research to give solid statistical evidence for decision-making. EIGE will also support the Member States in strengthening institutional responses to support women victims of violence and reporting on effectiveness of applied measures. EIGE’s online platform on Gender Mainstreaming will contribute to the implementation of gender equal policies in 2021-2023, such as Gender Budgeting in the EU funds.

Building on well-established stakeholder relations, EIGE aims to reach policy makers at both EU and national levels and to continuously widen its audience. This requires active engagement with relevant stakeholders, pointing out gender gaps and inequalities in different policy areas and a good understanding of policy priorities. In 2021, EIGE will further explore how to respond to the growing demand from external stakeholders for technical assistance regarding gender equality and gender mainstreaming. EIGE’s communication activities are designed to keep gender equality on the public and political agenda during the programming period 2021-2023.

Central to the delivery of its work programme is an effective administrative structure and in this programming period, the Administration Unit of EIGE will continue to operate to the highest standards.
