Strong institutional mechanisms (i.e. national structures and processes for the promotion of gender equality) are crucial to progress in achieving gender equality. EIGE has established a system for the regular monitoring of the state of institutional mechanisms for the promotion of gender equality in the EU Member States. This monitoring is based on four indicators adopted by the Council of...
Advancements in gender equality happen with concerted and committed action by national governments. Area H of the Beijing Platform for Action highlights the importance of formal structures and processes – ‘institutional mechanisms’ – in ensuring that gender equality goals are at the forefront of policy. EIGE has established a system for the regular monitoring of the state of institutional mechanisms...
What is a gender-sensitive parliament? A gender-sensitive parliament ensures that there are no barriers to diverse groups of women and men participating equally in the parliament and having equal influence over decision-making. As the gatekeepers of gender equality, parliaments need to ensure that legislation across all policy areas has a fair and equal impact on women and men in all...
First European elections to result in a decrease in women Members of the European Parliament Following the June 2024 elections, a total of 278 women (38.7 %) and 441 men (61.3 %) took their seats at the constitutive session of the new European Parliament in July ([1]). For the first time in its history, the share of women Members of...
Increasing digitalisation has led to a proliferation of so-called "platform work" whereby workers use online platforms (e.g. Uber, Wolt, Bolt) to access clients to deliver specific tasks or services. This note explores some of the characteristics of platform work for those with childcare responsibilities. Furthermore, it investigates gender differences for those carers who live with children in a couple or...
Increasing digitalisation has led to a proliferation of so-called "platform work" whereby workers use online platforms (e.g. Uber, Wolt, Bolt) to access clients to deliver specific tasks or services. Such platforms can be seen to offer flexibility regarding when, how much and where one works. And this can contribute to gender equality through enabling a better work-life balance. For example...
Between June and July 2021, EIGE conducted an online survey on gender equality and the socio-economic consequences resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was gathered in all EU Member States, reaching a total of 42,300 participants between 20 and 64 years of age at the EU level, with typically around 1,500 individuals per country [1] (depending on its population...
More than 25 years ago, 189 countries around the world signed up to the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), which committed them to work towards a set of strategic objectives and actions for the advancement of women and the achievement of gender equality in 12 critical areas of concern. One of the key amongst these was Area H Institutional mechanisms...
Gender-responsive Public Procurement (GRPP) is procurement that promotes gender equality through the goods, services or works being purchased. GRPP can be a driver towards promoting equal employment opportunities and social inclusion for women and men, providing equal opportunities for women and men at all stages of the supply chain and addressing gender pay gap inequalities in the labour market. EIGE...
Monitoring progress in gender equality is key to support better informed policy-making and ensure its effectiveness and accountability. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) monitors the distribution of power in the European Union (EU) through regular collection of data on women and men in key decision-making positions. The COVID-19 pandemic presented an unprecedented global threat requiring prompt and considered...
Despite efforts to improve gender equality, EU labour markets are still characterised by persistent horizontal segregation, whereby workers in particular sectors are predominantly women or men. According to 2020 data, only four in ten workers in the EU are employed in a gender-balanced sector, where the workforce comprises at least 40 % of each gender. Transport is a prime example...
Environment and climate change is a hot topic across the globe and it is crucial that related policy decisions serve women and men equally. To make that happen, women need to be adequately represented in decision-making processes. EIGE regularly monitors the share of women in positions of power in the environment and climate change arena within the EU. The time-series...