Good practices on gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal: Towards a more gender-equal and greener Europe
How you can help build a safer Europe for young women: Addressing violence against women at the Gender Equality Forum
The Gender Equality Academy in agriculture – a Swedish vanguard for inclusive green development Country Sweden Topics Agriculture and rural development Environment and climate change Regional policy Section Gender Mainstreaming
Gender equality in the forestry sector – a Swedish initiative pioneering sustainable change Country Sweden Topics Employment Environment and climate change Regional policy Section Gender Mainstreaming
Environmental Foundation – green skills, bright futures: elevating gender equality in Austria’s labour market Country Austria Topics Employment Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Agenda Railway Industry Women – a women’s network to accelerate gender equality in the railway sector Country Austria Topics Employment Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Milan Gender Atlas – a manual for a more inclusive city Country Italy Topics Environment and climate change Regional policy Section Gender Mainstreaming
The 2020–2024 just transition strategy – Spain’s path to a gender-equitable green transition Country Spain Topics Energy Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Biodiversity Foundation spearheads gender mainstreaming in Spain’s ecological transition Country Spain Topics Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Making women visible – Spanish database and report on women’s green and rural entrepreneurship Country Spain Topics Agriculture and rural development Employment Entrepreneurship Environment and climate change Research Section Gender Mainstreaming
Women for market uptake of renewable heating and cooling – W4RES – a cross-country initiative for pioneering gender equality in renewable heating and cooling Country Germany Topics Energy Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Strategic guide – How to integrate the gender perspective into all activities funded by the Spanish plan for recovery, transformation and resilience Country Spain Topics Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Ökothek – vocational education and counselling to boost women’s participation in the climate and environmental sector Country Germany Topics Energy Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming
Educational tool gender and climate – women at the heart of climate justice Country Belgium Topics Environment and climate change Section Gender Mainstreaming