
  • Greece

    PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN RESEARCH Legal framework Law 2839/2000 requires one-third gender representation in all decision-making public body committees, including those of universities and research institutions. More specifically, one-third representation of the minority sex is needed for all decision-making public body committees, provided that potential members have the same level of qualifications. Law 3549/2007, on reform of the institutional framework...

  • ProGender project – Centre for Gender Studies, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences; GR  

    The Centre for Gender Studies of Panteion University created “ProGender: A Digital Hub on Gender, the COVID-19 crisis and its Aftermath”. The Hub addresses gender equality during the COVID-19 pandemic in several thematic areas: (1) gender, care and labour; (2) gender-based violence; (3) women and gender in science; (4) gender and communities; and (5) women in governance. The project is...

  • ProGender Project – Centre for Gender Studies, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (GR)

    The Centre for Gender Studies of Panteion University created “ProGender: A Digital Hub on Gender, the COVID-19 crisis and its Aftermath”. The Hub addresses gender equality during the COVID-19 pandemic in several thematic areas: (1) gender, care and labour; (2) gender-based violence; (3) women and gender in science; (4) gender and communities; and (5) women in governance. The project is...

  • Protocol of gender-based and sexual violence (GBSV) – Network of the Gender Equality Committees (GECs) of Greek Universities (GR)

    The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) is funding a research project, “Affectscapes of Care: Gender-Based Violence and Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic”. The project is funded in the framework of the 4th call (“Interventions”) of HFRI Science & Society to address the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be carried out by the Department...

  • TARGET – The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) (GR)

    The project TARGET addresses gender inequalities in the structures of research and innovation (R&I) institutions. It was implemented in the research centre Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 R&I programme. The project involved a consortium of EU and non-EU partners that collaborated in the transfer of know-how on gender equality in R&I...

  • Measuring femicide in Greece

    Data collection systems vary widely across EU Member States, as they draw on various sources. To improve the collection of administrative data on femicide, EIGE has been working to establish indicators that can harmonise data collection processes across Member States’ jurisdictions. EIGE has collected information from a wide variety of stakeholders through a questionnaire sent to official data providers and...

    Measuring femicide in Greece
  • Who is eligible for parental leave in Greece?

    Parental leave is granted to parents, usually after maternity and paternity leave, allowing mothers and fathers to take care of their young children without losing their jobs. Such a policy exists in all EU Member States and in Greece it is called Άδεια χωρίς αποδοχές. The policy design and eligibility rules vary across the EU and not all women and...

    Who is eligible for parental leave in Greece?
  • Gender Equality Index 2020: Greece

    With 52.2 out of 100 points, Greece ranks last in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Greece’s score is 15.7 points below the EU’s score. Since 2010, its score has increased by 3.6 points, with a slight increase of 1.0 point since 2017. Its ranking has remained the same since 2010. Further information Explore the Gender Equality Index 2020...

    Gender Equality Index 2020: Greece
  • Gender Equality Index 2019: Greece

    With 51.2 out of 100 points, Greece ranks last in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score has increased by only 4.4 points from 2005 to 2017 (+ 1.2 points compared to 2015). Despite this minor progress towards gender equality, Greece’s score places it one position lower than in 2005. The scores are the highest in the domains...

    Gender Equality Index 2019: Greece
  • Recommendations to improve data collection on intimate partner violence by the police and justice sectors: Greece

    The recommendations were developed after an in-depth analysis of data collection from the police and justice sectors. They aim to improve administrative data collection on intimate partner violence to better inform policies and to help the Member States meet the monitoring requirements outlined in both Directive 2012/29/EU (the Victims’ Rights Directive) and the Istanbul Convention. Read more Data collection on...

    Recommendations to improve data collection on intimate partner violence by the police and justice sectors: Greece
  • Female genital mutilation: How many girls are at risk in Greece?

    This factsheet presents the results of the study ‘Estimation of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in the European Union — Belgium, Greece, France, Italy, Cyprus and Malta’ for Greece. The study was conducted in 2017-2018. It supports the EU institutions and EU Member States in providing more accurate information on female genital mutilation and its risks among girls...

    Female genital mutilation: How many girls are at risk in Greece?
  • Gender Equality Index 2017: Greece

    The Gender Equality Index 2017 examines the progress and challenges in achieving gender equality across the European Union from 2005 to 2015. Using a scale from 1 (full inequality) to 100 (full equality), it measures the differences between women and men in key domains of the EU policy framework (work, money, knowledge, time, power and health). The Index also measures...

    Gender Equality Index 2017: Greece