The Biodiversity Foundation aims to contribute to the creation of a new model of prosperity that is respectful of nature, decarbonized, resilient, and inclusive. -- Guide to include the gender perspective in the projects developed by actors with whom the Biodiversity Foundation collaborates

The Biodiversity Foundation, under Spain’s Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, constitutes a key pillar of the integration of gender mainstreaming within the European Green Deal’s focus areas. With its objectives centred on embedding gender equality as a transversal principle in ecological transition efforts, the foundation promotes gender-sensitive practices in environmental conservation and climate action.

Spain’s ecological policies – including the national plan for climate change adaptation and the Spanish recovery, transformation and resilience plan – underscore gender mainstreaming as one of their cornerstones. These policies emphasise women’s crucial role in addressing climate change and ensuring an equitable distribution of opportunities in the ecological transition.

Core activities of the Biodiversity Foundation that aim to promote gender mainstreaming include:

  • human resources development and empowerment, underscored by an equality plan, including anti-harassment protocols, gender equality training and gender-sensitive job advertisements;
  • developing a guide to using non-sexist language and dialogue to promote gender-sensitive communication;
  • sharing insights for integrating gender perspectives into the ecological transition at events and expert meetings;
  • incorporating social clauses advocating for gender equality into grants and tenders and conducting gender impact assessments;
  • providing guidance on the inclusion of a gender perspective in projects;
  • providing targeted communication efforts and training sessions to promote gender equality.

Key achievements include heightened visibility of gender disparities in green sectors and enhanced stakeholder capacity to address gender gaps. The foundation’s strengths lie in its comprehensive approach, from internal capacity building to stakeholder engagement, setting a replicable model for gender mainstreaming in ecological policies. Through concerted efforts, the Biodiversity Foundation is notably contributing to a just and gender-equal ecological transition in Spain.

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