EIGE Director Carlien Scheele (left) and Director General Ana Gallego of Justice and Consumers (right) walking together outside

“Equality is good for society and everyone in society,” says Director General Ana Gallego of Justice and Consumers. “We need to counter the narratives that gender equality is a zero-sum game – that’s why evidence-based policymaking is crucial to win the hearts and minds of people.”

Director General (DG) Gallego visited EIGE for the first time since taking up her duties. This visit took place on the occasion of EIGE’s 42nd Management Board meeting in Vilnius (Lithuania). DG Gallego emphasises the need to keep our eyes on the ball for gender equality – now and in the future. 



Under the current and now finishing mandate, the European Commission has put gender equality high on the agenda. The legislation passed in the last five years is a powerful push and incentive to further mainstream gender equality in all policy areas. 

“We need to focus on how efficiently Member States implement legislation and what measures are in place to achieve gender equality objectives.”

In areas where priority focus is ongoing, violence against women is up top – with particular attention on how it is evolving in the online world. DG Gallego cites the Digital Services Act where established instruments in place aim to keep the digital sphere safe and free from online gender-based violence.

DG Gallego also weighed in on EIGE’s instrumental role in shaping a fairer and more gender-equal Europe through its high-quality work supporting the policy makers’ priorities and targets.