Looking at this photo, what are your initial thoughts about a woman in this specific context? Which of the following contributing factors do you think influenced your reaction?

Gender stereotypes
Gender bias
Gender roles and expectations
All the above
Next, identify the main issue with this scenario:
In a university physics class there is one woman and ten men. The professor walks in, scans the room and focuses on the woman.
Professor: “I bet this lady is wondering what she got herself into by being in this class!”
Everyone erupts with laughter except the woman.
Light mocking
Backhanded compliment
Answers at the bottom.
Today EIGE has released its new guide: ‘Words Matter: Supporting Gender Equality through Language and Communication’. It’s an evolution of the 2019 toolkit on gender-sensitive language and communication.
What’s different this time?
The guide follows a gender-inclusive approach to language and communication by giving visibility to the needs and lived experiences of different groups of women and men in all their diversity.
We acknowledge that supporting gender equality through language and communication is unique in every language. While this guide is intended for use in the English language, we understand that there are linguistic nuances in other languages.
There are many self-reflection exercises to better understand where gender biases and gender stereotypes come up in how you interpret images or language – just like the two questions shared earlier.
It provides more practical guidance on building up gender-inclusive communication messages for a variety of formats such as voice overs, panels and videos with specific examples.
A list of additional and supplementary resources to further expand your knowledge on how to be more gender-inclusive in language and communication.
A web version of the guide with extra content including a ‘starter’ quiz.
Explore the guide and test your knowledge with our games and quizzes
Answers to the questions
All of the above. Embedded in this reaction are gender stereotypes, gender bias and gender roles and expectations.
Sexism. This scenario highlights sexism due to the intentional use of derogatory and discriminatory language against the woman.