Sound and comparable data on the gender-related killing of women and girls is central to preventing this crime, through understanding its prevalence, based on a commonly acknowledged definition and typology of femicide, with recognised variables, units of measurement and indicators.
Data-collection systems across the EU Member States remain very heterogeneous, as they are grounded in national crime statistics or other administrative data sources on homicide (from the judiciary or health system) or from non-governmental organisations’ media analysis.
This new report highlights the importance of measuring femicide based on joint definitions, starting from a classification of different types of femicide and agreed variables that help to identify them.
It proposes a classification system to measure femicide that can be applied by the EU-27 and the United Kingdom, suggesting definitions, variables and methodologies for each type of femicide identifed in the abovementioned overview and in Defining and Identifying Femicide: A literature review.
The focus of this report is on the killing of women carried out by men, taking as a starting assumption their asymmetrical power relationship.