Femicide indicators: pilot study of data availability and feasibility assessment

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) broadly defines femicide as ‘the killing of a woman or girl because of her gender’. EIGE recognises the various forms of femicide committed against women and girls as ‘the most severe manifestation of gender-based violence’.

Various terms are used by the European Union (EU) and international institutions to refer to femicide. As the definitions used to describe acts of femicide are either lacking or inconsistent across the EU, methods for researching the prevalence of femicide vary, as does the administrative capacity of Member States to collect this data.

To fill the gap in data collection and analysis, several research initiatives have been launched in recent years to define femicide and establish a framework to measure its prevalence.

EIGE has conducted extensive research on femicide, allowing for the development of several research outputs. This report summarises the results of EIGE’s data collection exercise in the seven pilot countries and assesses the feasibility of populating indicators on femicide using the newly developed set of indicators.
