Gender Equality in Academia and Research GEAR tool step-by-step guide

The Gender Equality in Academia and Research (GEAR) tool provides concrete and practical guidelines for developing Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) that are tailored to an organisation’s specific contextand conditions, and that are compatible with the Horizon Europe requirements.

Based on practical experience and examples, it provides detailed information on what a GEP is and which stakeholders should be involved, why gender equality is important and relevant for organisations, and how an effective and sustainable GEP can be developed and implemented in six steps, from getting started and implementing the GEP to monitoring and evaluation.

This publication summarises the main results set out on the updated GEAR tool website, which provides a greater level of detail than this guide, along with further information and resources (good practice examples, webinars and videos) targeted at the different needs of research-performing organisations and research funding organisations

not included here.


Further information