Measuring femicide in the EU and internationally: an assessment

Sound and comparable data on gender-related killings of women and girls is essential to understanding the prevalence of femicide. This data gathering must be based on a commonly acknowledged definition of femicide and recognised units of measurement and indicators, as well as a typology of femicide.

This report gives a comprehensive overview of definitions, data collection systems, methodologies and variables in gathering data on femicide. It outlines whether and how diferent global and national actors are moving towards:

  • a legal definition of femicide
  • construction of indicators / measurement framework based on common (agreed) variables to identify femicide.

The aims are to establish a framework for the measurement of femicide at EU level by using variables that might lead to a common definition, and the operationalisation of variables for statistical purposes. This common battery of variables should guide methods for data collection, ensure the gathering of reliable data and result in data comparability across the EU.

This report provides the broader context for definitions and variables based on an overview of definitions at both international and Member State levels.
