The government of North Macedonia and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy are committed to the inclusion of a gender perspective in strategic planning policies. The implementation of gender equality in strategic documents contributes to achieving these priorities and enabling equal opportunities for women and men in all areas of society. The Regulation on the manner of acting of the ministries and other state administration bodies in the process of preparing the strategic plan (Official Gazette 131/18) also introduced the principle of equal opportunities. Through this Regulation, all ministries in the goverment of North Macedonia are obliged to introduce the principle of equal oportunities in their strategic plans and goals for the coming three-year period. Ministries’ strategic plans – and those of other state institutions – are based on a real and objective assessment of (among others) the policies that define the status of women and men in society. The principle of equal opportunities is one of the key elements in the structure and content of each strategic plan.
Implementing entity: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Embedding gender mainstreaming in national strategy
This activity has resulted in gender equality gaining political commitment and becoming a government priority. The government of North Macedonia aims to ensure that gender mainstreaming not only avoids reinforcing inequalities but identifies existing inequalities and develops policies to address them.
The analysis of the strategic plan is based on data collected in the relevant area, including data disaggregated by gender. It analyses the available resources in which the principle of equal opportunities is implemented. At least one gender-sensitive indicator should be determined in the process of monitoring, evaluating and reporting the implementation of equal opportunities. Mechanisms should be built-in throughout the process of strategic planning to monitor, evaluate and report on gender equality. Monitoring data, in particular, should be disaggregated by gender.
Extent of action
This activity focuses on all areas of society and all ministries are obliged to incorporate it into their strategic plans. A positive outcome of the approach is that is fosters the creation of gender-sensitive policies and a gender-sensitive budget.
Learning and capacity-building potential
All civil servants responsible for strategic planning (and those overseeing gender mechanisms in line ministries) are trained to prepare strategic plans that include a gender perspective and to develop gender-sensitive indicators in all programmes under the authority of their ministry.
Sustainability of gender mainstreaming at national strategic level
The Guidelines for Strategic Planning (by-laws adopted by the government of North Macedonia) specify gender mainstreaming as an obligation for all line ministries, making the process sustainable. This activity does not depend on the will or commitment of civil servants but is an established systematic procedure that must be respected.
National plans and strategies
It is a part of the National Action Plan for Gender Equality 2018-2020.
Achievements and tangible outcomes
The decision of the government of North Macedonia to include a gender perspective in all strategic planning policies is a practical and effective tool for gender mainstreaming.
Proposing Entity: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, North Macedonia
Contact Person: Elena Grozdanova