Crisis situations exacerbate the risk of violence for women and girls, due to the fact that any type of crisis disrupts a pre-existent situation, which may alter the power dynamics in gender roles. Studies conducted in the context of natural disasters demonstrate that they affect women differently than men - gender-specific aftershocks include among others an increase in cases of rape and abuse or spikes in intimate partner violence reports.
However, vulnerability of women and girls in crises stretches far beyond natural disasters and extends to human-induced disasters such as armed conflicts. Subsequent forced displacement push to the forefront the gendered dimension of migration which exposes women to violence at all stages of their journey to safety.
The study seeks to:
- deepen the understanding of GBV occurring in crises
- review policies and legislative instruments relevant for prevention of GBV in the context of migration
- collect and systematise existing guidelines, tools and methodologies focusing on prevention, early detection and protection of victims
- strengthen Member States’ institutional capacities for prevention, early detection and protection victims by integrating GBV in National Action Plans (NAP) required by Women Peace and Security agenda
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