
The Gender Equality Index 2024 gives an overview of the state of gender equality in the EU. The EU and the Member States will be given a score from 1 to 100, where 1 stands for total inequality and 100 for total equality.

The scores are based on the gaps between women and men in terms of the levels of achievement in six core domains: work, money, knowledge, time, power and health, and their sub-domains. The Index also has two additional domains: violence against women and intersecting inequalities.

The thematic focus of the 2024 Edition of the Gender Equality Index seeks to populate the domain of violence developed in 2017 with updated data for 26 EU MS (data for Italy not being available).

It includes:

Updated calculations and an analysis of the composite measure of the domain of violence.  The report relies on two main quantitative data sources. 

First, the Eurostat-led data on gender-based violence and other forms of interpersonal violence (EU-GBV) in 19 EU MS and second, survey data on violence against women (VAW II) collected by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) in eight EU Member States (CZ, DE, IE, CY, LU, HU, RO, SE). The use of a unified methodology ensures the availability of comparable data across all EU Member States. 

  • Updated analyses of additional indicators for which data is available, relying on survey and administrative data when relevant.
  • An analysis of contextual factors and how they relate to the extent of gender-based violence mostly on the basis of qualitative data. Some of the sources of information include Grevio reports whenever possible, WAVE reports, Beijing + 30 UNECE reports as well as academic and grey literature. Primary research is conducted on contextual information including on legal and policy developments and media reporting. Such information align on the analysis gathered by the EIGE/FRA’s reports for the 8 MS but focus on the remaining 19MS.
  • The Gender Equality Index is an important policymaking tool to measure the progress of gender equality in the EU over time. It gives visibility to areas that need improvement and supports policymakers to design more effective gender equality measures.

Analysis of country data and information provides a relevant added value of the Gender Equality Index. Tailor-made data analysis supports the interpretation of progress in gender equality in the Member States and is relevant to stimulate the debate in the national context. The country factsheets produced for the Gender Equality Index are available on EIGE’s website.