
In 2022, EIGE collected and analysed pioneering EU-wide survey data on women’s and men’s engagement in unpaid care, individual, and social activities, adopting gender equality and intersectional perspectives from the onset. The aim of the survey was to fill in current data gaps, to complement the existing EU surveys, and to improve the Gender Equality Index’s capacity to capture changes in the domain of time in a more conceptually sound, coherent, and regular way.

EIGE’s survey also aimed to inform policy developments and monitoring. The collected data contributed to the development of the future European Care Strategy, which was announced in 2021 by the President of the European Commission. It also sought to inform the monitoring of the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, as closing the gender care gap is one of the key objectives of the strategy.

The online panel survey covered more than 60,000 respondents from across all 27 Member States. In order to gain the best possible perspective on different life cycle situations, the survey targeted a population aged 16–74 years. The results of the survey are presented in:

Gender Equality Index 2023: Towards a green transition in transport and energy 

Policy brief “A Better Work–Life Balance: Bridging the gender care gap”

EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database

Survey technical report