
  • The Observatory of Research and Scientific Careers of the FRS-FNRS – FNRS Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) (BE)

    The independent Observatory for Research on Scientific Careers was created following the joint decision of representatives of the different French-speaking universities, the FWB and FNRS. It aims to create and follow up (missing and random) data on researchers in order to create a comprehensive, objective data collection. Its main goals are to monitor and use the expertise of different universities...

  • Belgium

    PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN RESEARCH Legal framework Belgium has specific laws and policies in place to improve gender equality in research institutions (research and decision-making) at the level of the Flemish and French Communities. In Flanders, a set of decrees [1] issued in 2012 foresee targets for the participation of the underrepresented sex in public universities’ decision-making bodies. Women’s participation...

  • The Observatory of Research and Scientific Careers of the FRS-FNRS – FNRS Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) (BE)

    The independent Observatory for Research on Scientific Careers was created following the joint decision of representatives of the different French-speaking universities, the FWB (Federation Wallonia-Brussels) and FNRS (Fund for Scientific Research). It aims to create and follow up (missing and random) data on researchers in order to create a comprehensive, objective data collection. Its main goals are to monitor and...

  • GEP - VLIR (BE)

    The measure is based on the gender policy Leaving No One Behind – Equality & Inclusion Policy of VLIR-UOS , which is the updated policy to be implemented between 2020–2024. The Gender Working group of the Flemish Interuniversity Council consists of policymakers of the different universities, an academic gender expert and people in charge of personnel and research policy. In...

  • The Observatory of Research and Scientific Careers of the FRS-FNRS – FNRS Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) (BE)

    The independent Observatory for Research on Scientific Careers was created following the joint decision of representatives of the different French-speaking universities, the FWB and FNRS. It aims to create and follow up (missing and random) data on researchers in order to create a comprehensive, objective data collection. Its main goals are to monitor and use the expertise of different universities...

  • Zero Tolerance – Catholic University of Louvain (BE)

    In 2021, the Gender Officer of the Catholic University of Louvain began a university-wide ‘Zero Tolerance’ campaign to combat harassment and sexual violence at student and faculty level. The campaign includes several measures: (1) mandatory online training for all students and staff (in French and English) to raise awareness of the different types of violence and the notion of consent...

  • ‘Cascade’ measure – Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (BE)

    Since 2016 the ‘Cascade’ measure deals with gender inequality in career progression. The measure aims to fight the phenomenon known as the ‘leaky pipeline’, especially to combat the loss of gender equality at the highest levels of the academic career by encouraging women, from the beginning of the academic careers, to apply to promotions. This measure applies to promotions from...

  • Measuring femicide in Belgium

    Data collection systems vary widely across EU Member States, as they draw on various sources. To improve the collection of administrative data on femicide, EIGE has been working to establish indicators that can harmonise data collection processes across Member States’ jurisdictions. EIGE has collected information from a wide variety of stakeholders through a questionnaire sent to official data providers and...

    Measuring femicide in Belgium
  • Who is eligible for parental leave in Belgium?

    Parental leave is granted to parents, usually after maternity and paternity leave, allowing mothers and fathers to take care of their young children without losing their jobs. Such a policy exists in all EU Member States and in Belgium it is called Ouderschapsverlof/Congé parental. The policy design and eligibility rules vary across the EU and not all women and men...

    Who is eligible for parental leave in Belgium?
  • Gender Equality Index 2020: Belgium

    With 71.4 out of 100 points, Belgium ranks 9th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Belgium’s score is 3.5 points above the EU’s score. Since 2010, its score has increased by only 2.1 points. Belgium’s score has increased only slightly (0.3 points) since 2017. The country’s ranking has dropped by four places since 2010. Further information Explore the...

    Gender Equality Index 2020: Belgium
  • Gender Equality Index 2019: Belgium

    With 71.1 out of 100 points, Belgium ranks 8th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 3.7 points higher than the EU’s score. Between 2005 and 2017, Belgium’s score increased by 5.1 points (+ 0.6 points since 2015). Despite this progress, Belgium is progressing towards gender equality at a slower pace than other EU Member States...

    Gender Equality Index 2019: Belgium