
  • Finland

    PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN RESEARCH Legal framework Finland has no specific legal provisions to promote gender equality in research nor obligations targeting research institutions. However, § 5 of the Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986) on achieving gender equality in teaching and education refers to research: “Teaching, research and educational materials must promote the objectives of the Act”...

  • Family-leave without consequences for the academic career (FI)

    Hanken School of Economics (Finland) automatically extends temporary contracts of teaching and research personnel if they have been absent due to maternity, paternity and parental leave. The policy was included in the Human Resources instructions of the School in 2010, and it is also inscribed in its gender equality and non-discrimination plan. The policy was adopted in order to support...

  • GEP – Academy of Finland (FI)

    The Academy of Finland’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan (2019-2020) applies to beneficiaries of the Academy’s research funding, as well as to employees of the Academy’s Administration Office. The Academy’s promotion of equality and non-discrimination includes three measures: (1) design of tools for systematic data collection on research funding and personnel operations, and developing follow-up indicators; (2) developing communications and training...

  • GEP – Academy of Finland (FI)

    The Academy of Finland’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan (2019-2020) applies to beneficiaries of the Academy’s research funding, as well as to employees of the Academy’s Administration Office. The Academy’s promotion of equality and non-discrimination includes three measures: (1) design of tools for systematic data collection on research funding and personnel operations, and developing follow-up indicators; (2) developing communications and training...

  • EPISODE VII: FUTURE IS FEMALE – Discussions with women in science & tech – BusinessFinland (FI)

    Diverse voices, skills and views are needed if technology is to serve everyone. Business Finland, together with national partners, led the discussion for more diversity, inclusion and equality in the science and technology that will transform everyday life. Episode VII of the webinar series discussed the lives, careers and experiences of women, who remain a minority in developing transformative technologies...

  • Equal by 30 – VTT (FI) (Campaign)

    Gender equality is at the heart of the global transition to a clean energy future. The Equal by 30 campaign is part of the Clean Energy, Education and Empowerment initiative (C3E), which works to advance women’s participation in the clean energy transition and to close the gender gap. The Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) is committed to promoting equality...

  • Action research with regional workshops on the promotion of gender equality in regional research and innovation (PAR on GE in regional R&I) – University of Tampere (FI)

    Gender equality in regional R&I activities is little studied in Finland. This seminar series targeted small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and prompted them to consider the business benefits of using the expertise of both women and men in R&I activities. Arranged with the University of Tampere as part of “Research and innovation in the Pirkanmaa region: gender equality as a...

  • Measuring femicide in Finland

    Data collection systems vary widely across EU Member States, as they draw on various sources. To improve the collection of administrative data on femicide, EIGE has been working to establish indicators that can harmonise data collection processes across Member States’ jurisdictions. EIGE has collected information from a wide variety of stakeholders through a questionnaire sent to official data providers and...

    Measuring femicide in Finland
  • Who is eligible for parental leave in Finland?

    Parental leave is granted to parents, usually after maternity and paternity leave, allowing mothers and fathers to take care of their young children without losing their jobs. Such a policy exists in all EU Member States and in Finland it is called Vanhempainvapaa/Föräldraledighet. The policy design and eligibility rules vary across the EU and not all women and men in...

    Who is eligible for parental leave in Finland?
  • Gender Equality Index 2020: Finland

    With 74.7 out of 100 points, Finland ranks 4th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Finland’s score is 6.8 points above the EU’s score. Since 2010, its score has increased by only 1.6 points. Most of the increase (1.3 points) has been achieved since 2017. Finland’s ranking has remained the same since 2010. Further information Explore the Gender...

    Gender Equality Index 2020: Finland
  • Gender Equality Index 2019: Finland

    With 73.4 out of 100 points, Finland ranks fourth in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Finland’s score is 6 points above the EU’s score. Between 2005 and 2017, its score only increased 1.4 points (+ 0.4 points since 2015). Finland is progressing towards gender equality at a slower pace than other EU Member States. Its ranking has dropped...

    Gender Equality Index 2019: Finland
  • Finland

    Model Actors involved Guidelines Strenghts and weaknesses Model There is no legal obligation to conduct gender impact assessments in Finland. Yet, the Act on Equality between Women and Men (1986/609) includes a broad gender mainstreaming obligation for public officials, which has been interpreted as the legal basis for gender impact assessment implementation by the central gender equality structure. Moreover, instructions...