This study established a measure of violence against women through the use of indicators on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence, which will guide methods of data collection to ensure reliable and comparable data on violence against women across the 28 EU Member States. This will support Member States to regularly measure the prevalence and incidence of rape, femicide, and intimate partner violence in a harmonised way.
Specific objectives
- To develop definitions for statistical purposes of rape, femicide and intimate partner violence;
- To establish indicators based on harmonised data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence and guided by international agreements made by the EU, UN and Council of Europe;
- Propose recommendations for the EU to further harmonise and collect better quality data on violence against women, including recommendations addressing gaps in the International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes (ICCS).
Main outcomes
- Recommendations were developed for Eurostat, including a recommendation to aid the improvement of the International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes (ICCS) to integrate a gender perspective and provide a basis for the introduction of specific codes for crimes related to violence against women. The recommendations can be downloaded here.
- An analysis of the availability of administrative data on rape, intimate partner violence and femicide across the EU, and an evaluation of its quality is summarised in administrative data leaflet. The administrative data leaflet can be downloaded here.
- An analysis of the availability of survey data at EU, international and national levels is summarised in the survey data leaflet.
- A glossary of terminology was produced, providing a comprehensive list of the definitions of rape, intimate partner violence and femicide used at European, international and Member State level. This document also presents the methodology used to develop EIGE’s proposed definitions, and includes details of the proposed definitions themselves. The glossary can be downloaded here.
- An analysis of data collection on female genital mutilation, which includes an overview of definitions and typologies recognised at EU and international levels, analysis of existing national data collection on female genital mutilation and recommendations. This analysis can be downloaded here.
Recommendations for the EU to improve data collection on violence against women
Administrative data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence in EU Member States
Note on prevalence surveys on rape and intimate partner violence in the EU-28
Glossary of definitions of rape, femicide and intimate partner violence