Terminology and indicators for data collection: Rape, femicide and intimate partner violence - Report

This report lays the ground for the establishment of a measure of violence against women through the use of harmonised definitions and indicators on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence. The proposed definitions and indicators will guide methods of data collection across the 28 EU Member States in a way that ensures the reliability and comparability of data. The definitions and indicators were developed to facilitate the monitoring requirements Member States face today on violence against women, in particular under the Victims’ Rights Directive and the Istanbul Convention. In this way they can be considered as useful instruments supporting Member States to respond to requests for data on violence against women.

The scope of the report is on reported violence obtained through administrative data sources, as they are the most relevant for assessing institutions’ response to violence against women. The report focuses on improving administrative data collection on the three most serious forms of violence against women: rape, femicide and intimate partner violence. The main sectors considered are police and justice, as they hold the highest potential to improve the availability and comparability of data on these forms of violence among Member States.

Further information

More on EIGE's work on developing EU-wide terminology and indicators for data collection on violence against women

Browse EIGE's publications on gender-based violence
Browse EIGE's complete resources on gender-based violence
