Good practices are used to promote gender equality through positive examples. They illustrate concrete and effective tools for implementing gender mainstreaming in practice, enhancing networking and competence development and increasing peer-learning opportunities. At the same time, good practices serve as a positive recognition of the developed policies and actions.
EIGE’s work on good practices aims to enhance the effective implementation of gender mainstreaming strategies in the EU Member States. At the same time, it seeks to address the needs of stakeholders involved in designing and implementing these strategies across various sectors, organisations and administrations, ensuring easy access to practical information.
A gender mainstreaming good practice is a project, programme or initiative that:
- is successful in addressing the equal representation of women and men;
- demonstrates gender-responsive content;
- is transferable to other countries and contexts;
- is inspirational in displaying solutions to addressing existing gender equality challenges.
The practice also shows how to address intersecting inequalities, implement a transformative and participatory approach and contribute to broader gender mainstreaming strategy, innovation and/or sustainability.
The identification process for good practices consists of three stages:
Collection of data by national researchers/experts
– All practices in the framework of the project that fulfill all common basic collection criteria are collected -
Assessment by senior researchers/experts
– A set of practices is selected from the list of collected practices
– The assessment is undertaken according to the assessment grid criteria
– Practices with the best scores are classified as promising practices -
Selection by stakeholders
– The final set of good practices for dissemination is selected in consultation with stakeholders