Gender equality in academia and research step-by-step guide for research organisations, universities and public bodies
This gender equality in academia and research (GEAR) step-by-step guide is for all those seeking to implement measures in support of gender equality in research organisations, universities or other public bodies. For implementing gender equality in funding procedures, see the GEAR step-by-step guide for research funding bodies.
If you are new to the topic, we recommend going through the steps one after the other. If you already have experience with implementing a gender equality plan (GEP), you can jump right to the step you are interested in for additional information and resources. Note that, as with the rest of the GEAR tool, the step-by-step guide is organised using three tabs: When entering each of the steps below, you are in the first tab containing the main section. In order to view additional content, such as videos and webinars (tab 2) or other tools and resources (tab 3), switch between tabs at the top of each page.
Follow these steps in order to successfully develop, implement and monitor a GEP in your organisation: