
3 items / 1 pages

  • Gender sensitivity ratings show that most EU parliaments have space for improvement to deliver gender equality

    What is a gender-sensitive parliament? A gender-sensitive parliament ensures that there are no barriers to diverse groups of women and men participating equally in the parliament and having equal influence over decision-making. As the gatekeepers of gender equality, parliaments need to ensure that legislation across all policy areas has a fair and equal impact on women and men in all...

    Decorative data visualisations
  • Beijing +25 policy brief: Area G - Women in power and decision-making: slow and uneven progress

    Recent years have seen considerable focus on the representation of women in political and economic decision-making by EU institutions. Both the European Parliament and the European Commission put in place actions to encourage politicians in the Member States to introduce measures to improve and accelerate gender balance in political and economic leadership positions. The European Commission has continued to promote...

    Beijing +25 policy brief: Area G - Women in power and decision-making: slow and uneven progress
  • How many women have top positions in the EU candidate countries and potential candidates?

    EIGE’s Gender Statistics Database has expanded beyond the current EU Member States. We can now monitor how gender-balance in decision-making is developing also in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey, which are part of the EU programme called the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). EIGE supports the IPA beneficiaries in their efforts to monitor and foster gender equality in the...

    women in IPA