Our Gender Equality Index country factsheets are now online. They give an in-depth analysis of how each country in the EU is doing in gender equality. You can see how your country has progressed over time and learn about the greatest improvements and challenges in each of the six domains: health, power, money, work, knowledge and time.
The EU’s score for gender equality is currently 66.2 out of 100 and only 11 countries rank higher. Across the EU, all countries have room to improve and while some have moved forwards, others have slipped backwards. Certain countries perform better in specific areas. For example Denmark tops the knowledge domain but when it comes to money, Luxembourg reigns. The Index gives Member States the opportunity to see what’s working best in other countries and learn from each other’s initiatives and policies.
The results of this edition of the Index show gaps among different groups of women and men. Depending on a person’s age, education, country of birth, disability and family type, their life can be completely different to the rest of the population. For example, in the Czech Republic, only 9 % of women with disabilities have a tertiary degree, compared to 19 % of women without disabilities and in the Netherlands, 28 % of lone mothers are at risk of poverty compared to 4 % of lone fathers.
Further information
For more information, please contact Veronica Collins, phone +370 5 2157 449, veronica.collins@eige.europa.eu
To find out more, read out factsheets here.
Explore our Gender Equality Index here.
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