With 71.3 out of 100 points, Ireland ranks 7th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 3.9 points higher than the EU’s score. Between 2005 and 2017, Ireland’s score increased by 9.4 points (+ 1.8 points since 2015), showing faster progress towards gender equality than other EU Member States.
Ireland improved its ranking by three places since 2005. Ireland’s scores are higher than the EU’s scores in all domains. Gender inequalities are most pronounced in the domain of power (53.4 points), yet this score improved the most since 2005 (+ 21.3 points). Ireland’s highest score is in the domain of health (90.9 points). Between 2005 and 2017, there were no regressions in Ireland’s domains, but progress stalled in the domains of time (no change) and health (+ 0.5 points).
Between 2005 and 2017, Ireland improved its Index scores, progressing faster and scoring higher than the EU’s scores. The gap between Ireland and the EU has increased over time.
Explore the Gender Equality Index 2019 on our website and find out the score for your country.