Intimate partner violence: data collection methodology

One of the areas of focus in EIGE's Gender Statistics Database is gender-based violence. The most widespread form of gender-based violence is intimate partner violence. Comparable data on intimate partner violence are of paramount importance in understanding and monitoring the nature and scale of the issue, itself a barrier to achieving gender equality. However, availability of comparable data across the EU remains lacking.

In order to address the lack of availability of comparable data, EIGE researched terminology and indicators on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence as part of a study published in 2017, and followed up with the development of 13 indicators with uniform definitions of the multiple forms of intimate partner violence, femicide and rape in 2018

This document presents the methodology for that data collection against the 13 indicators on intimate partner violence, and provides information on the coverage (jurisdictions, offences and statistical units), definitions applied and methods of collection in each case. It starts with general definitions and then presents detailed information for each of the 13 indicators.

Intimate partner violence indicators in EIGE's gender statistics database
