Ursula von der Leyen made a ‘union of equality’, based on the principle of equality for all and equality in all its senses, a cornerstone of her mandate. Binding measures since 2019 have made significant strides in supporting the fundamental principle of equal pay for equal work, gender-balanced company boards, work–life balance, binding standards for equality bodies and combating violence...
The Gender Equality Index 2023 presents the EU in relation to gender equality amid crises and uncertainties. In recent years, the world has been hit by repeated shocks and multiple crises. What remains constant is the fact that when crisis strikes, women and girls suffer disproportionally. The crises and shocks continuously threaten to create new challenges and reverse years of...
Entrepreneurship is crucial in creating jobs, innovation and growth. Interest in women’s entrepreneurship has grown among scholars and policymakers. Women’s entrepeneurship is about gender equality, empowerment and social inclusion, but also relates to economic growth and poverty reduction.
Over the last nine years, the proportion of women on the boards of the largest listed companies across the EU has more than doubled: from 12 % in October 2010, to 28 % in April 2019. The countries that introduced legislative quotas were driving the progress, but soft measures have also worked in some countries. However, gender balance has not...
This study focused on the importance of gender equality in the realisation of economic rights and independence, including access to employment, appropriate working conditions and control over economic resources. The...
Whether you work in the environment, education, the digital agenda or any other policy field, our methods and tools will help you to get started on gender mainstreaming. “EIGE has come up with practical advice to guide you through each step of the gender mainstreaming cycle. We show you how to integrate a gender dimension in your work, regardless of...
Entrepreneurship plays an important role in creating jobs, innovation and growth. Against this backdrop, interest in women’s entrepreneurship has grown among scholars and policymakers. While the rationale for women’s entrepreneurship has traditionally focused on enhancing women’s equality, empowerment and social inclusion, its development is now seen to make good economic sense. Further information Entrepreneurship on EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming platform EIGE's...
Gender mainstreaming has been embraced internationally as a strategy towards realising gender equality. It involves the integration of a gender perspective into the preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, regulatory measures and spending programmes, with a view to promoting equality between women and men, and combating discrimination. Further information EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Platform EIGE's Gender Mainstreaming Tools and...
Gender mainstreaming methods and tools can be of vital assistance as they offer clear guidance on how to implement gender mainstreaming in practical terms. They support a systematic implementation of gender mainstreaming in a particular field of activity or sector. The aim of using gender mainstreaming methods and tools is to shape an organisation’s processes and operational workflows in such...