PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN RESEARCH Legal framework As of August 2021, Cyprus has not put in place any laws or regulations explicitly promoting gender equality in research and innovation. Policy framework The most recent policy document on gender mainstreaming in education and research is the Strategic Plan for the Equality of Women and Men in Education 2018-2020, replacing the earlier...
The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics initiated the Dependant Care Leave in 2018. It is a special paid leave designed to support staff in cases of serious health conditions related to dependants. Alongside the right of unpaid leave, the institute made provisions for paid dependant care leave and is granted after the employee has exhausted their annual plus their...
The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) in Cyprus seeks to address gender inequalities and imbalances in R&I through the development and implementation of a context-specific GEP, which was developed as part of the TARGET project. The overall objective of the GEP 2018–2020 is to build institutional capacity to facilitate cultural change that goes beyond the formal adoption of a GEP...
In 2019, the university launched the campaign ‘It starts with ME, together WE can’ as part of the international campaign ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’. The campaign aimed to demonstrate that everyone is personally responsible for taking the first step to end gender-based violence by challenging stereotypes and making small everyday behavioural changes that can lead to a...
The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) in Cyprus seeks to address gender inequalities and imbalances in R&I through the development and implementation of a context-specific GEP, which was developed as part of the TARGET project. The overall objective of the GEP 2018–2020 is to build institutional capacity to facilitate cultural change that goes beyond the formal adoption of a GEP...
Data collection systems vary widely across EU Member States, as they draw on various sources. To improve the collection of administrative data on femicide, EIGE has been working to establish indicators that can harmonise data collection processes across Member States’ jurisdictions. EIGE has collected information from a wide variety of stakeholders through a questionnaire sent to official data providers and...
Parental leave is granted to parents, usually after maternity and paternity leave, allowing mothers and fathers to take care of their young children without losing their jobs. Such a policy exists in all EU Member States and in Cyprus it is called Γονική άδεια. The policy design and eligibility rules vary across the EU and not all women and men...
With 56.9 out of 100 points, Cyprus ranks 21st in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 11 points lower than the EU’s score. Since 2010, Cyprus’s score has increased by 7.9 points (+ 0.6 points since 2017). Making slightly faster progress towards gender equality than other Member States, Cyprus has im-proved its position by six places...
With 56.3 out of 100 points, Cyprus ranks 20th in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 11.1 points lower than the EU’s score. Between 2005 and 2017, Cyprus’s score increased by 10.4 points (+ 1.2 points since 2015). With faster progress towards gender equality than other Member States, Cyprus improved its position by eight places. Cyprus’s...
The recommendations were developed after an in-depth analysis of data collection from the police and justice sectors. They aim to improve administrative data collection on intimate partner violence to better inform policies and to help the Member States meet the monitoring requirements outlined in both Directive 2012/29/EU (the Victims’ Rights Directive) and the Istanbul Convention. Read more Data collection on...
This factsheet presents the results of the study ‘Estimation of girls at risk of female genital mutilation in the European Union — Belgium, Greece, France, Italy, Cyprus and Malta’ for Cyprus. The study was conducted in 2017-2018. It supports the EU institutions and EU Member States in providing more accurate information on female genital mutilation and its risks among girls...
The Gender Equality Index 2017 examines the progress and challenges in achieving gender equality across the European Union from 2005 to 2015. Using a scale from 1 (full inequality) to 100 (full equality), it measures the differences between women and men in key domains of the EU policy framework (work, money, knowledge, time, power and health). The Index also measures...