It starts with ME, together WE can. Annual innovative Campaign and public intervention in cases of violence against women – Frederick University (CY)
In 2019, the university launched the campaign ‘It starts with ME, together WE can’ as part of the international campaign ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’. The campaign aimed to demonstrate that everyone is personally responsible for taking the first step to end gender-based violence by challenging stereotypes and making small everyday behavioural changes that can lead to a large-scale shift in culture and attitudes to eliminate violence against women. During 2020, the campaign took place online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The public could sign an online petition as part of their personal commitment to challenge gender stereotypes and promote respect. The initiative is part of Frederick University’s longstanding action to raise awareness of gender equality, violence against women, and healthy relationships between men and women. It has also introduced academic courses on gender equality, particularly gender violence (domestic violence, trafficking, sexual abuse, etc.)