Guide to Gender Impact Assessment

General model of gender impact assessment presented below is based on existing gender impact assessment methodologies and functioning models. EIGE’s guide to gender impact assessment offers a general framework for the development of specific gender impact assessments tailored to the specific needs depending on the institutional competences and structures.

How to carry out gender impact assessment

Gender relevance assessment

  1. Definition of the policy purpose
  2. Checking gender relevance
  3. Gender impact assessment

  4. Gender-sensitive analysis
  5. Weighing gender impact
  6. Findings and proposals for improvement
  7. Gender quality assessment

  8. After: follow-up on gender impact assessment

However, the goal is not to create additional procedures, but rather to include the steps of integrating gender into already-existing processes of an organisation.

Using this Guide can serve to improve an overall effectiveness of policy making processes.

This is not only useful for implementing gender mainstreaming as such, but can also make a considerable step towards improving the overall level of policy making.

Download guide (PDF, 15MB)

General considerations

Political commitment, Tasks and responsibilities, Gender Expertise, Sex-disaggregated data, Understanding gender inequalities, Stakeholders, Looking to the future, gender impact assessment as a learning process, Impact of the gender impact assessment.