Develop procedures and tools for progress reporting
Regular progress reporting will help you to stay up to date on the status of implementation and to identify issues hindering the execution of your plan. All groups with responsibilities for implementation will provide regular progress updates (see Step 2 and Step 3 for details on these groups).
Use this downloadable template to develop tools for different groups to share progress updates.
Example of a parliament developing procedures for progress reporting
In the European Parliament, the action plan on gender mainstreaming of the BUDG Committee describes aims to mainstream gender in Committee operations, including when drafting budgetary, legislative and non-legislative documents. It outlines activities to monitor the implementation of the plan, led by the gender mainstreaming rapporteurs. A member of the BUDG Committee’s secretariat will monitor the implementation of the plan, which will be reported annually to the committee by the rapporteurs[1].
Checklist: Developing procedures and tools for progress reporting
Create a document that outlines how regularly progress reporting will occur for the measures in the plan (e.g. for long-term plans active for at least 3–4 years, as a minimum carry out full progress reporting on an annual basis) and the people and/or group(s) that should share progress updates.
In the document, include the information that the progress reports shared by groups in the institution should contain, such as updates on performance indicators developed for each of the activities in the gender equality action plan (see Step 2).
Develop a template for progress reporting that groups should use to share updates with the high-level working group or committee.