This is a summary of the conceptual and methodological issues of the ‘ Study for the development of the basic structure of a Gender Equality Index for the European Union’ produced by Janneke Plantenga, Colette Fagan, Friederike Maier and Chantal Remery (2010), commissioned by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

The theoretical and empirical findings of the study will be used for further work by EIGE in the course of the development of the Gender Equality Index for Europe.

Also available in:

es: Fundamentos del índice de igualdad de género para Europa

de: Überlegungen zum Gleichstellungsindex für Europa

fr: Justification du cadre conceptuel pour l’indice d’égalité de genre pour l’Union européenne

it: Giustificazione del quadro concettuale dell’indice sull’uguaglianza di genere per l’Europa
