• Gender equality and youth: opportunities and risks of digitalisation – Main report

    EIGE’s research shows the many ways digital technologies are benefiting young people in access to learning, friendship, information and actions for social change. It also shows that aggressive behaviour online is anticipated and normalised. For the EU to harness the potential of digital technologies for youth mobilisation, diminishing the power of gender stereotypes online and promoting the diversity of voices...

    Gender equality and youth: opportunities and risks of digitalisation – Main report
  • Tackling cyber violence against women and girls: The role of digital platforms

    Digital platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, X and Reddit are forums for public and private expression and social interaction, and they provide many other useful services. However, the online space is not always welcoming to everyone. In an environment of pseudo-anonymity and limited accountability, pervasive exclusionary and harmful narratives are often unleashed. Spreading virally, these practices are categorised as cyber...

    Tackling cyber violence against women and girls: The role of digital platforms
  • Gender Equality Forum 2024: Building an inclusive Europe together

    Director Carlien Scheele opens the Agency’s second Gender Equality Forum on 10 December 2024 at The EGG in Brussels and online, with a message of hope and unity for participants. At a time where hard fought rights and freedoms are under threat, we need to be more dedicated and disciplined in working together for gender equality. Dear participants of the...

  • Gender Equality Index 2024: Sustaining Momentum on a Fragile Path

    Ursula von der Leyen made a ‘union of equality’, based on the principle of equality for all and equality in all its senses, a cornerstone of her mandate. Binding measures since 2019 have made significant strides in supporting the fundamental principle of equal pay for equal work, gender-balanced company boards, work–life balance, binding standards for equality bodies and combating violence...

    Gender Equality Index 2024: Sustaining Momentum on a Fragile Path
  • The Gender Equality Forum: Putting the YOU into youth action for gender equality

    Imagine a world where gender equality is no longer an ideal but a reality. What would that look like for you and future generations? Equal pay, balanced leadership, freedom from violence, and opportunities that don’t depend on your gender? For young people across Europe, these aren’t just hopes, they’re demands. At the Gender Equality Forum 2024, you’ll have the chance...

    Two illustrated young people looking happy, one is having a video call
  • Future Issues and Trends for Gender Equality: Foresight Toolkit

    The future is an ever-present consideration for those engaged in advancing gender equality, with a constant focus on striving towards gender-equal futures. Foresight aims to systematically engage with possible and desirable futures to orient today’s actions and decisions towards improving long-term outcomes. By identifying and anticipating change with the help of foresight, we can equip ourselves with options to pro-actively...

    Future Issues and Trends for Gender Equality: Foresight Toolkit
  • How you can help build a safer Europe for young women

    Every woman deserves to be and feel safe in the European Union. Yet young women are at higher risk of gender-based violence, according to new research from Eurostat, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and EIGE.

    Stylised illustration of three women of different ages and ethnicities standing together with a resolute look on their faces
  • The power of digital platforms in standing up for the safety of women and girls online

    Addressing the European Economic and Social Committee on 26 November 2024 in Brussels, Director Carlien Scheele brings the latest findings in EIGE’s evidence on the role digital platforms must play in combatting cyber violence against women and girls. Dear colleagues, Thank you for this kind invitation to join you here today as part of your activities for the 16 Days...

  • Change making conversations: coming up at the Gender Equality Forum 2024

    Gender equality, a basic human right, is still 60 years away. In other words, resources and opportunities are not equally accessible for all. Dreams and ambitions are deferred or downright dismissed. But together, we have the tools and talents to break down those barriers for good, and make change happen. This December in Brussels, our agency is organising the Gender...

    A crowd following a session at the Gender Equality Forum 2022
  • Fostering a gender and intersectional perspective in EU foresight

    Foresight is the method of anticipating future developments and potential risks to inform strategic planning. In the EU, foresight has been integrated into policymaking since 2021 to create evidence-based strategies that anticipate future trends, risks and opportunities. The EU is mandated to incorporate a gender perspective into all policies and activities to achieve gender equality, and foresight is no exception...

    Fostering a gender and intersectional perspective in EU foresight
  • There is no democracy without women

    Director Carlien Scheele presented the agency’s toolkit for gender sensitive parliaments to the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Paris on 18 March 2024.

  • Today’s choices are tomorrow’s consequences

    In an informal meeting with European Gender Equality Ministers on 27 February 2024 under the Belgian Presidency, Director Carlien Scheele presented a vision of what gender equality could look like in 2030 – if we already put ourselves there.