More resources on gender-equality training

EIGE’s Gender Training Resources Database

EIGE’s Gender Training Resources Database is a collection of generic and tailor-made tools and resources produced in EU Member States and at the EU and international level. They aim to improve the skills of policymakers and administrations when mainstreaming gender in their fields of work.

The database contains useful materials, guidelines, tested practices, ideas, suggestions and tips on how to implement gender equality and train the relevant actors. The database covers the years 2005–2012.EIGE hopes that the database will become a useful tool in the work of policymakers, civil servants, gender trainers and activists. It offers an easy-to-search access point to download or link to publically available materials.

This database is an ongoing and evolving project, created alongside a database of gender trainers and training organisations. This is available in the study Gender training in the EU: Mapping, research and stakeholders’ engagement (2012–2013).

Gender trainers and other practitioners can contribute to the database of gender training resources by emailing information on new materials to

Visit EIGE's Resource and Documentation Centre for more resources on gender training.