Step 4: Write good terms of reference (checklist)
In order to find the relevant expertise and to develop effective gender equality training, commissioning authorities should carefully develop their terms of reference, taking into account the mandate of their organisation, its needs and the findings from the gender organisational assessment.
The checklist below provides a non-exhaustive list of the items that should be present in the tenders for commissioning training.
Checklist for drafting clear and relevant terms of reference for gender-equality training
Present the organisation The nature, purposes and areas of work of the organisation should be clearly explained;
Its programmes and activities should be succinctly presented;
The rationale for commissioning training should be clearly explained. -
Explain what is expected from the trainer:
Conduct needs assessment at organisational level to assess the organisation’s efforts to mainstream gender
Conduct needs assessment at organisational level to assess the organisation’s efforts to mainstream gender
Assess and determine the gender content of the organisation’s current programmes and projects
Conduct a gender-learning needs assessment (via interviews, staff survey, etc.)
Develop training methodology that meets the needs of the participants
Develop training content in cooperation with the persons in charge of gender-equality competence development in the organisation
Deliver training activities
Upon completion of the training activities, evaluate their effectiveness and make recommendations for improvement
Contribute to the development of follow-up activities/tools and assist participants in formulating a follow-up plan
Identify what tools/methods should be more extensively presented by the trainers in their proposal, including:
Organisational needs assessment methodology
Gender-learning needs assessment methodology
A proposal on training methodology and content, based upon the information provided by the organisation
A strategy to address resistance among participants
An evaluation framework template
A proposal for ensuring the sustainability of the activities via follow-up activities and/or tools