Step 13: Monitoring and steering organisational change

Key aspects

  • Check at regular intervals whether, or to what degree, the activities outlined in the working plan have been implemented and whether predefined milestones have been reached.
  • This may be done using regular reporting, surveys or other methods, explicitly determined beforehand

Key aspects

The data gathered can be used to evaluate the procedure’s progress, analyse whether or not the chosen strategy will be successful and how the strategy should be adjusted. This evaluation can, for example, be carried out using regular review meetings. It may also be advisable to commission an external evaluation to get an in-depth process analysis; this looks at what problems and barriers exist in particular, the probable causes for these and what possible solutions might exist. One way to evaluate the process of aorganisational change is to carry out follow-ups of the organisational analysis at regular intervals.

Finally, the decisive factor is how these findings are used for steering the process of organisational change. During this process, it may be necessary to react to any constraints that occur, reinforce certain efforts or set new priorities in order to ensure success. To this end, the working plan is to be updated continuously and changes may also need to be made to the gender mainstreaming strategy.


UNDP had its gender mainstreaming strategy 1995-2005 evaluated in order to increase its effectiveness. UNDP’s new Gender Equality Strategy 2014 to 2017 includes the announcement that UNDP will have an independent evaluation conducted after its implementation.

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