Guiding you through the toolkit
This GRPP toolkit takes account of previous and current activities related to GRPP at the European, national and local government levels and the importance of GRPP for promoting gender equality. It features good practice examples and practical tools to put GRPP into practice.
The toolkit supports public sector buyers in advancing gender equality through the use of GRPP. The public procurement cycle follows three stages – pre-procurement, procurement and post-procurement – and too often omits a clear reference to gender equality. The toolkit serves as a practical guide on how to incorporate gender equality across the different stages of the procurement cycle.
You will find in the toolkit 13 practical tools that will help you to implement the recommendations put forward to improve the legal, regulatory and policy frameworks, as well as help you to include gender aspects at each stage of the procurement cycle.
Coloured boxes
Examples of laws, policy frameworks, support structures, guidelines and tools
Examples of tendering procedures
How to act’ boxes
These provide policymakers and contracting authorities with concrete recommendations on the steps or measures for implementing GRPP
Mistakes to avoid
Legal framework further explained
A purple box is included when the legal framework or certain legal concepts that are not easy to grasp need to be explained in more detail
Finally, the content of the GRPP toolkit is classified based on the user role:
- Mainly relevant to contracting authorities
- Mainly relevant to gender equality and gender mainstreaming policymakers and practitioners
- Relevant to contracting authorities and gender equality and gender mainstreaming policymakers and practitioners