Tool 12: Checklist for including GRPP contract performance conditions
This tool can be used by contracting authorities to help with the development and application of GRPP contract performance conditions.
This tool allows you to check that you have taken the correct steps to include GRPP conditions at each procurement stage.
Pre-procurement stage
Discuss potential GRPP contract conditions (e.g. regarding gender balance in the delivery of the contract, equal pay or gender equality training of the contractor’s staff) with internal users / contract managers. (Questions to ask: Are the proposed terms clear? Is the level of ambition right? Can compliance be effectively monitored during the contract?)
Seek feedback from potential bidders on GRPP contract conditions as part of market engagement. (Questions to ask: Are the proposed terms clear? Do bidders have experience in implementing similar GRPP measures? Do they anticipate any difficulty in complying?)
Draft contract terms, including the agreed GRPP conditions. If bidders will be invited to propose additional measures (i.e. in response to GRPP award criteria), indicate where in the draft contract these will be incorporated.
Procurement stage
Respond to any queries from bidders regarding GRPP contract conditions, issuing the responses to all who have registered an interest.
Require a declaration from bidders that they will comply with the GRPP contract conditions and (where relevant) require a nominated representative/contact with responsibility for the GRPP measures.
In evaluating tenders, check that bidders have completed the declaration and have not entered any reservations/amendments to the GRPP conditions.
Post-procurement stage
Ensure that any additional GRPP commitments from the successful tender are incorporated in the final contract terms to be signed.
Discuss the implementation of the GRPP conditions at the kick-off meeting and assign responsibility for monitoring and reporting. The implementation of GRPP conditions may form a standing item on the agenda for contract meetings.
Keep records of the implementation of GRPP conditions, identify any challenges and collect data on the impact (e.g. the number of women hired/promoted under the contract, the pay gap under the contract and/or the number of staff receiving training on gender issues).