Conclusion and key takeaways

By the time this guide is published, new concepts are likely to have emerged to further strengthen gender equality through language and communication. This is an inevitable reality in a society in which language and communication approaches and channels are constantly evolving. The importance of promoting gender equality has never been more critical. The rise of anti-gender narratives and movements is a cause for concern and demands our attention.

We hope that this guide empowers you to make more conscious choices in how you use language and communication, recognising the different implications of various approaches. Starting small is the first step. Beyond the visual exercises included in this guide to address gender biases and gender stereotypes, take a moment to observe your surroundings in everyday life: during your commute to work, while roaming a shopping mall or when flicking through a magazine. You will undoubtedly identify messages – whether in text or visuals –that still perpetuate gender inequalities.

With the knowledge gained from this guide, you can become an advocate for change. One step at a time, you can lead by example and empower others to follow.

As a key takeaway from this language and communication guide, remember the main principles of a gender-inclusive approach:

  • recognise and challenge gender stereotypes;
  • maintain inclusivity by ensuring the visibility of women and men and girls and boys in all their diverse situations;
  • uphold the values of dignity, respect and equal treatment.

From here, we encourage you to seek out additional resources from organisations that cover similar areas. Many of these resources are tailored to specific groups or communities, depending on their mandate, and they can help supplement your efforts to make language and communication more inclusive.

In conclusion, the journey towards gender equality through language and communication is ongoing and ever evolving. By staying informed and committed, you can play a crucial role in fostering a more gender-equal, inclusive and equitable society. Each small step taken, each conscious choice made and each stereotype challenged brings us closer to a world in which everyone is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. Let this guide be the beginning of your journey towards making a lasting impact – one word, one message and one action at a time.