Work–life balance checklist
1. Identify national work-life balance initiatives and partners
Organisational policies are in line with all national legislation for employment and workplace flexibility as well as leave and childcare entitlement.
Information about legislation and campaigns to mainstream gender equality has been gathered.
Information about the national policy context and available care services for the elderly and dependents has been gathered and considered.
Information about national, regional or local initiatives to encourage women’s participation in the labour market, including the ICT sector, has been identified.
Third party organisations (NGOs, research agencies, government agencies, think tanks, women’s networks, and universities) have been identified and approached.
2. Identify potential resistance and develop solutions
Risk assessment has been carried out.
Risk management and contingency plan has been drawn up.
A specific person (in full- or part-time role) has been assigned to the project.
Objections have been identified by carrying out regular surveys.
3. Maximise buy-in from stakeholders
Key decision-makers in senior leadership in the organisation have been adequately briefed on national legislation for employment and workplace flexibility as well as leave and childcare entitlement.
Previously signed agreements with trade unions have been taken into consideration and are being honoured.
Union representatives and other key stakeholders in areas that promote well-being, such as occupational health, have been identified.
Works council (a body representing workers that is independent of trade unions) has been informed of work-life balance initiatives and provided input.
Senior management has demonstrated buy-in by signing a written statement for the planned measures.
Employee needs have been assessed via a survey, interviews or using other tools.
Involvement and support of all relevant departments has been secured.
Line managers and business units have been involved throughout the process of identifying relevant work-life balance measures.
Champions and role-models have been identified and approached.
4. Design solid implementation plan
Signed charters and other declarations have been taken into consideration and are being honoured.
A preliminary gender analysis of the company’s current work-life balance measures (if any) has been carried out.
Commitment to improving work-life balance has been clearly communicated by senior management to all staff.
Key milestones and targets for implementation have been set, including a pilot phase.
Reporting on the implementation plan is agreed (who, when, how).
The internal communications plan has been approved (intranet, meetings, town hall, internal newsletter).
The external communications plan has been approved (including press releases and company website).
A dedicated page on the company website has been created for work-life balance initiatives.
Dates have been marked in the calendar to highlight initiatives and celebrate progress (International Women’s Day, Father’s Day).
5. Carefully measure progress
Key milestones and targets have been identified; the base-line data (by sex) has been gathered before the pilot phase is launched.
Measurable objectives have been set by department and by date.
Qualitative data collection mechanisms are in place.
6. Highlight benefits and celebrate early wins
Regular check-in with employees and line-managers are scheduled.
Testimonials and feedback are systemically gathered and shared.
Plan for celebrating early wins has been developed.
Award schemes and external ratings identified and applications planned.