Step 2: Identify potential resistance and find solutions
Even though work-life balance measures appear to benefit employees, organisations and the community equally, they face risks unless a prior gender needs analysis is carried out.
A proper risk assessment allows stakeholders to make solid contingency plans.
Organisations need to have a clear understanding of the costs involved in the roll-out of work-life balance measures. Though there are significant differences between small, medium sized and large companies, the good practice examples show that even the smallest companies can implement a number of programmes at relatively low cost.
It is advisable to designate a person responsible for the implementation of work-life balance measures. This can either be a full-time role, or one fulfilled by an existing staff member who dedicates 20 - 30% of their working hours to this task. Centralising work-life balance measures in a single function helps the integration of different initiatives. It also allows employees to identify a principal contact person with whom they can build a trusting relationship. It also enables greater accountability.