Rationale for gender equality change in research and higher education institutions

Setting up and implementing a gender equality plan (GEP) requires strong arguments about the benefits of working towards gender equality in research and innovation (R & I). These supporting arguments are of different nature and outreach. They can be combined in different ways to build the case for gender equality within your organisation, and to reach different categories of stakeholders.

The European Commission expects the following benefits for the European research area (ERA) through its commitment to promote gender equality in R & I:

  • increased success and innovation performance of organisations thanks to greater diversity;
  • greater understanding of sex and gender specificities;
  • improved work–life balance, equal access to opportunities and increased well-being.

In the following section, you will learn about these and other positive impacts of gender equality for R & I. In itself, quoting these broad areas of impact can help you build the case for setting up a GEP for your organisation. The scope of the arguments to be used should be adapted to the culture of your organisation. In particular, you should be cautious about the uptake and acceptance of performance-related arguments. While it is widely accepted that measuring performance matters in R & I, this framing is not accepted to the same extent in every context.

Consider broadening and strengthening your arguments for promoting gender equality by using arguments related to diversity and intersectionality. This will enable you to show that all employees, students and applicants will benefit from better (gender) equality.

As stated in UN sustainable development goal 5, ‘gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world’. In this sense, the main types of benefits of gender equality in R & I are as follows.

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  • For a brief overview, watch the informative video produced by the EU-funded project ‘Gender equality in the European research area community to innovate policy implementation’ (GENDERACTION) on why we need gender equality actions.
  • Listen to the message from Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner, on International Women’s Day on why gender equality in R & I is important and how the EU aims to foster gender equality in Horizon Europe.

Benefits of gender equality and diversity in research and innovation

Effectiveness and efficiency of research

Cheruvelil et al. (2014) provide lessons learnt for creating and maintaining high-performing collaborative research teams, emphasising the importance of diversity.

An article by Smith-Doerr, Alegria and Sacco (2017) summarises evidence, arguments and strategies on how diversity matters in science and engineering teams.