Why change must be structural

What is the problem/issue?

As She Figures, published by the European Commission shows, research and innovation (R & I) is highly segregated by gender and marked by considerable gender gaps.

Women and men tend to concentrate in certain scientific fields (horizontal segregation). For example, while women are more likely to be found in fields such as social sciences and humanities, men are more inclined to study, teach and/or research topics related to engineering or technology. In addition, top positions are more frequently occupied by men (vertical segregation) and evidence shows that resources distributed through research funding are not equally accessible to researchers of all genders.

In addition, the significant sex/gender dimension often seems to be disregarded in the approach to and content and analysis of research and teaching. The result is that the viewpoints, experiences and needs of half the population risk being overlooked or dismissed. This also applies to other intersecting inequalities or discriminations, which in turn leads to innovations, products, services and policies that are less than optimal because they are targeted at and serve only a certain proportion of society. To better address these issues, recent research funding programmes, such as Horizon Europe, are starting to demand the integration into research proposals of sex/gender/intersectional analysis as a criterion for research quality.

In order to view videos and webinars or further tools and resources on the topics in this section, switch between the respective tabs. Otherwise, click below to continue to the next section about rationales for promoting gender equality in R & I, which may provide you with arguments to convince your management and colleagues to support your efforts.


  • The video on ‘ACT on gender gaps in science’, from the EU-funded project ACT, discusses the main gender gaps between women and men in R & I.
  • The video ‘ACT on academic culture’, from the EU-funded project ACT, summarises how organisational culture shapes gender inequalities in R & I.
  • The video ‘ACT on gender dimension’, from the EU-funded project ACT, provides you with the main arguments why sex and gender analysis is relevant for knowledge production in R & I.
  • The Royal Society has produced an animation that introduces the key concepts of unconscious bias and how you can recognise bias in yourself.


Data and policies on gender equality in research and innovation

  • She Figures reports provide data on the European Commission’s gender equality priorities in the field of R & I policy. A methodological handbook has also been published that describes the measurement of different indicators and the data used.
  • For the latest edition of She Figures (2021), seven policy briefs were written on emerging and ongoing policy priorities in the area of gender equality in R & I. These policy briefs provide important contextual information for a better interpretation of the data presented in She Figures 2021.

Structural change in research organisations

Gender bias in research and innovation

Gender-based violence and sexual harassment

Inclusive workplace culture in research and innovation

  • An article by Powell, Terry and Chen (2020), published in the career section of Nature, describes how workplaces in R & I can be inclusive and welcoming for all genders, and especially for sexual and gender minorities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and others).

Good practices in gendered innovations

  • The factsheet on gendered innovations, published by the European Commission, provides a comprehensive overview of why integrating a sex, gender and intersectional analysis into R & I matters.
  • For more details on specific case studies and good-practice examples, see the full Gendered Innovations reports published by the European Commission. The first report was published in 2013 and the second in 2020.