When should you use this toolkit?
This practical toolkit for gender-responsive evaluation of EU policies and programmes is designed for anyone evaluating an intervention, whether mid-term or ex-post.
This step-by-step toolkit provides concrete guidance on how to integrate a gender perspective into each step of the evaluation cycle.
Some tools may also be relevant to those conducting ex ante evaluations or impact assessments. Click here to view EIGE’s toolkit on gender impact assessment for further information.
This toolkit provides specific examples of four policy areas:
- transport
- energy
- agriculture
- circular economy
These policy areas are highly relevant to the EU’s efforts to mitigate climate change and environmental degradation, owing to their environmental and economic significance and their impact on gender equality.
This toolkit is useful for evaluating different types of interventions such as:
- policies
- programmes
- projects
- legislation
- fitness checks (joint evaluations of multiple interventions within the same policy area)