Step 1: Aligning with the EU and/or national policy frameworks and getting the basics right using this toolkit
Your approach to a gender-responsive evaluation should align with that of the EU and/or national policies and guidelines, particularly:
- EU gender equality strategy,
- national strategies,
- action plans for gender equality,
- policies that deliver the European Green Deal
When aligning your evaluation approach, consider the following tips.
Review EU and, where relevant, national policies and guidelines on evaluation
Familiarise yourself with the relevant EU (and, where relevant, national) policies and guidelines that apply to your evaluation. The Better regulation guidelines and toolbox offer general insights and guidance on the evaluation methodologies, data collection techniques and reporting requirements that are considered relevant and effective within EU and/or national contexts.
Identify the key objectives and priorities in those EU or national policy frameworks that are relevant to your evaluation, including gender equality and the green transition
Consider how your evaluation can contribute to the goals outlined in these policy frameworks. Look for alignment in terms of thematic areas, outcomes, indicators and desired impacts. Highlight the connections between the objectives of your evaluation and broader EU and/or national objectives. For example, if you are working with shared management programmes, you can familiarize yourself with the European semester country reports and country specific recommendations as these contain descriptions of the attainment of green transition and gender equality objectives. You can also get acquainted with your Member 'States' progress on the SDGs in their voluntary national reviews.
Familiarise yourself with this toolkit
The toolkit you are now reading will help you grasp the basics of gender-responsive evaluation throughout the evaluation process – from what you need to know before you start the evaluation to disseminating the findings of the evaluation.