
  • Presentation of the EU-GBV Survey Results to the Council of Europe

    EIGE's gender- based violence team leader, Cristina Fabre, and EIGE's gender based-violence researcher, Monica Barbovschi, present the EU-GBV Survey results to the Council of Europe and member of the GREVIO committee.

  • Eurostat Working Group on Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics

    EIGE's gender-based violnece team leader, Cristina Fabre, and EIGE’s gender-based violence researcher, Monica Barbovschi, attend the Eurostat Working Group on Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics, where present the latest Violence Against Women (VAW) and Domestic Violence (DV) administrative data collectrion carried out by EIGE in 2023 and 2024. The event will focus on the engagement of Member States and Eurostat...

  • A gender-sensitive parliament: challenges and opportunities for the coming year

    EIGE’s Director, Carlien Scheele, speaks at DG PERS' annual event for staff to celebrate International Women’s Day, hosted by European Parliament Vice-President Ewa Kopacz, Chair of the High-Level Group on Gender Equality and Diversity. Addressing this year’s theme, "A gender-sensitive parliament: challenges and opportunities for the coming year," Carlien presents EIGE’s gender-sensitive parliaments toolkit, contributing to the European Parliament’s reflections...

  • Presentation at the European Employment and Social Rights Forum

    EIGE's Gender Equality and Statistics researcher, Lina Salanauskaite, joins the European Employment and Social Rights Forum, presenting ''A link not to be missed: how gender stereotypes and unpaid care shape pensions and financial literacy'', building on forthcomign BPfA +30 Report and BE Presidency report on financial independence.

  • Presentation of Ukraine's Gender Equality Index

    EIGE’s Director, Carlien Scheele, speaks at the event organised by the Ukrainian Women's Fund to present the results of the Ukrainian Gender Equality Index. The event will highlight Ukraine's dedication to gender equality by developing a Gender Equality Index using EIGE's methodology and acknowledge the efforts of Ukrainian organisations in collecting data despite the challenges of Russia's war of aggression...

  • Women and Climate Workshop

    EIGE Researcher, Blandine Mollard, attends Women and Climate Workshop run by the European Women's Lobby.

  • High-level Forum on Women's Rights - EESC Plenary

    EIGE's Director, Carlien Scheele, attends the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) High-Level Forum on Women's Rights, contributing to the discussions surrounding the upcoming United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW69) and the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action.

  • Launch of the first Gender Equality Index for Ukraine

    Head of EIGE Research and Policy Unit, Maruša Gortnar, attends the launch of the first Gender Equality Index for Ukraine at the European Parliament. The Gender Equality Index for Ukraine has been developed by Ukrainian organisations that have worked to adapt EU methodology to Ukraine and to collect data, despite the limitations caused by the ongoing war. The results show...

  • Gender in the EU’s Foreign Policies: Expectations for the Next European Commission

    EIGE’s Director, Carlien Scheele, speaks at “Gender in the EU’s Foreign Policies: Expectations for the Next European Commission,” as part of a series of events co-hosted by ODI Europe and UN Women Brussels. The event focuses on key priorities and challenges related to Europe’s global leadership in advancing gender equality, as well as safeguarding and advancing feminist-inspired foreign policies at...

  • Steering Committee Meeting regarding FRA's project on "Violence and related human rights abuses against women fleeing the war in Ukraine"

    EIGE's Team Leader of Gender Based Violence, Cristina Fabre, attends a Steering Committee Meeting for the Fundamental Rights Agency's project on "Violence and related human rights abuses against women feeling the war in Ukraine". The meeting discusses the results of the survey data collection for the project.

  • Finnish Council for Gender Equality (Tane) visits EIGE

    EIGE's Team Leader of Stakeholders relations, Zivile Macijauskiene, and Stakeholders trainee, Olivia Hoppu, welcome the Finnish Council for Gender Equality (Tane), visiting EIGE. During the meeting, they share insights and exchange knowledge on the work of both organisations. About the Finnish Council for Gender Equality